Christmas in July Bayberry Candles
This July, as you prepare and organize for this upcoming Christmas season, stock up on the Christmas candle, the Bayberry candle. You maybe asking the question, Why would I buy Bayberry Candles, let alone light one for Christmas? Bayberry Candles, as they are called by Americans of the United States, are labeled “Christmas Candles” by Americans of the United States due to the Bayberry Candle woodsy yet spicy aroma it possess when the wick is lit. Louisiana Créoles have/had been lighting Bayberry candles daily and don’t exclusively use Bayberry Candles for Christmas, even though if one is on hand, Bayberry candles are used on American Christmas (December 25) and Créole Christmas (January 1) in Louisiana Créole homes. Bayberry Candles maybe lit as well on the Day of Little Christmas (January 6) which is also known as Epiphany by Americans and Creoles alike. Yet, the difference between the Creole celebration of Épiphanie (Epiphany) is the exchanging of gifts to commemorate and signify the Three Kings traveling to Bethlehem by the guidance of The Archangel Gabriel ( The Star of Bethlehem ) to gift three gifts of Gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus. Americans exchange gifts on Christmas. When Epiphany day does arrive, it is a day of reflection to Americans or not even acknowledged at all. Épiphanie is also the First day of Carnival, Mardi Gras season, where the first partaking of King Cake and choosing of the Mardi Gras King and Queen. Little Christmas is a part of Louisiana Créoles’ Spaniard heritage and Cultural custom and Mardi Gras is a part of Louisiana Créoles’ French heritage and Cultural custom.
The Americans discovered the Wax Myrtle tree and the use of wax Myrtle berries and leaves from the Chacta (Original spelling of the Choctaw Native Americans tribe) and Louisiana Créoles . The Bayberry candles are a part of Louisiana Créoles Native American Heritage and Cultural Custom. The Americans especially in the Eastern coast of the United States such as Pennsylvania and her surrounding areas, folklore about Bayberry Christmas Candles is, Lighting the Bayberry candle on Christmas all the way done to the nub, the family or house will have Good Luck until Christmas next year. Another Christmas candle myth of the Bayberry candle from the Americans of the sane coast is, If the Bayberry candle is lit on New Years all the way done to the nub, the family or house will have good luck until the Next New Years.
I believe this American myths and folklore about the Bayberry candle comes from Louisiana Créoles who believes about the Bayberry candle is that the Bayberry candle when lit ingeneral brings Good Luck, Good Fortune and Prosperity. It doesn’t matter if the day is a Holiday or special event, lighting a Bayberry candle will bring you or your family Good Luck, Good fortune and Prosperity. Because the Americans learned how to make Beautiful candles (Belles Chandelles), Bayberry Candles from the Chacta Nation and Louisiana Créole Nation and these Nations benefital property and widely held believes of the efffect of Lighting Bayberry candles, I think that Americans applied these Nations’ customs to the lighting of Bayberry candles to Christmas and New Years while also carrying their believes of Good Luck will be given to the family that light the Candle and keep it burning on these blessed Holidays.

The Americans discovered the Wax Myrtle tree and the use of wax Myrtle berries and leaves from the Chacta (Original spelling of the Choctaw Native Americans tribe) and Louisiana Créoles . The Bayberry candles are a part of Louisiana Créoles Native American Heritage and Cultural Custom. The Americans especially in the Eastern coast of the United States such as Pennsylvania and her surrounding areas, folklore about Bayberry Christmas Candles is, Lighting the Bayberry candle on Christmas all the way done to the nub, the family or house will have Good Luck until Christmas next year. Another Christmas candle myth of the Bayberry candle from the Americans of the sane coast is, If the Bayberry candle is lit on New Years all the way done to the nub, the family or house will have good luck until the Next New Years.
I believe this American myths and folklore about the Bayberry candle comes from Louisiana Créoles who believes about the Bayberry candle is that the Bayberry candle when lit ingeneral brings Good Luck, Good Fortune and Prosperity. It doesn’t matter if the day is a Holiday or special event, lighting a Bayberry candle will bring you or your family Good Luck, Good fortune and Prosperity. Because the Americans learned how to make Beautiful candles (Belles Chandelles), Bayberry Candles from the Chacta Nation and Louisiana Créole Nation and these Nations benefital property and widely held believes of the efffect of Lighting Bayberry candles, I think that Americans applied these Nations’ customs to the lighting of Bayberry candles to Christmas and New Years while also carrying their believes of Good Luck will be given to the family that light the Candle and keep it burning on these blessed Holidays.