National Taco Day

National Taco Day
National taco day

When people think of National Taco day, they are pleasantly consumed by thoughts of mouth savoring tacos that are made by Mexican or Hispanic people. Tacos are all sorts are dwelled on such as Hard shelled corn tacos filled with lettuce leaves, sliced tomatoes, deliciously seasoned meat, shredded cheese and maybe topped off with creamy sour cream. Or, the soft shelled tacos filled with much of the same and the soft shells are made of hand rolled flour dough. No where in their minds does Louisiana Créole cuisine and tacos dwell in harmony with each other. The two would seem polar opposite or not synonymous, yet, in fact they are. Contrary to popular believe, Louisiana Créole cuisine is not simply just gumbo, jambalaya, red beans and rice, etouffe, beignets, and dirty rice. Yet, Louisiana Créole Cuisine is so much more. And, no I am not referring to modern day interpretation of Louisiana Créole cooking (the limited scope of what is known) mixed with Mexican cooking, which most restaurants has been coming up. Tacos have been apart of Louisiana Créole cuisine from the beginning and it is not in just isolated parts of the State of Louisiana. The indulging of delicious tacos are prepared and consumed by New Orleans Créoles, by Cane River's Isle Brevelle Créoles, and by the Louisiana Créoles of Mexico, to name a few. Despite the most popular thoughts of tacos origins, tacos did not originate from Mexico and nor is it American unless you are referring the original originators of tacos inception which are the First Nations, Native Americans.

It is because of the Native Americans such as the Caddo Nation in the Upper part of the State, that yummy tacos are apart of the Louisiana Créoles cuisine. It is little known that tacos amongst other noted Hispanic "labeled" meals are apart of Louisiana Créole cuisine. The Spanaird migraters, documented and known as Los Ades, also have a hand in influencing, Louisiana Créoles with the Caddo Nation on Taco preparing and cooking. Tacos have been a main stable of Louisiana Créoles diet just as gumbo, jambalaya, red beans and rice, Etouffe, and dirty rice. Tacos are so much apart of Louisiana Créole diet that it is also apart of our, Louisiana Créole harvest and festival season of the Louisiana Créole liturgical calendar. For, example, during the time of American dated Christmas, of December 25, the corn harvest upon the Cane River Isle, Brevelle Créoles tacos as will as tamales, enchiladas and etc are consumed for Christmas Breakfast. Though, tacos are eaten by Louisiana Créoles of New Orleans, it is not has dominate for All New Orleans Créoles as they are for Cane River, Isle Brevelle, Louisiana Créoles. It is more dictated by the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the immediate family. However, Tacos and other Mexican "labeled" cuisine was a constant main stable of food in my house home. My father who is a Native of New Orleans who ancestors were Louisiana Créoles of Concordia/Adams Country Viadala and Natchez origins (rare) and My Mother, also a Native of New Orleans and her ancestors were Louisiana Créoles of Ascension Parish. We would constantly eat Tacos, Chili and Tamales just as much as we consumed dirty rice, jambalaya, Etouffe okra and sausage, beignets, red velvet cake, banana foster, pralines, red beans and rice with sausage on the side and gumbo, whether file or okra gumbo. Tamales is such as favorite dish of my mothers, when she was pregnant with my half brother, she, she at nothing but tamales thorough her pregnancy. She stated it was all she craved to eat.

Another example, Tacos are apart of Cafeterias meals across New Orleans where public, charter, private or parochial. It is the same across the U.S. States of America. Just like in New Orleans, across the school systems whether Public, Charter, Private or Parochial, red beans and rice is eaten on every Monday of the Week and white beans and rice are eaten for lunch on every Tuesday of the Week. This is Tradition in accordance to the Créole Mothers, maids and/or house keepers who slow cooked the red beans on Mondays while they wash the laundry. Mondays were designated laundry day, same for Sunday, it was designated Cleaning thoroughly the kitchen day and Tuesday were designated days for navy beans to be slow cooked on the wood fire. A certain day of the week Tacos were eaten as well.

Those of Américan descent have discovered the Louisiana Créole Tacos of Cane River have rivaled the Louisiana Créoles "Hispanic" cooking. The have labeled Isle Brevelle Créole Cooks as the Best cookers. Louisiana Créole corn shelled tacos are first prepared by lyeing the corn. The meat for the Créole tacos are seasoned like no other culture season meat and true to Louisiana Créole cooking standards.The chopped Meat the Louisiana Créoles used is just the same as Mexicans use, beef, pork and both. The tacos are dressed with the usual dressing such as lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and sour cream. Of course, tomatoes of choice would be Créole tomatoes which were previously harvest was June/July but if creole tomatoes weren't available any other tomatoes would do. Instead of sour cream, if a sweet tooth needs pleasing, Louisiana Créole Cream Cheese could also be a substitute. Louisiana Créole Cream Cheese, which is rarely made now and the tradition like most Louisiana Créole traditions and customs are dying out, in June for Louisiana Cows' milk. Condiments would include, pepper sauce such as the World renowned Tabisco sauce, which was manufactured in Mexico, and the little known pepper vinegar, vinaigre pimenté and Louisiana Créole very own chili sauce.

No matter how you like your tacos and your knowledge of their origins, enjoy a taco on this celebrated National Taco day.

~ Shambalayha | Eat up & be full. {An Atapaka saying.} ~ Ū.

{Please Note that this post will be updated to included Citations and any grammatical/spelling errors that may have occurred. Also for better clarity. Thanks for your understanding. }
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